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57808 Results Found


MHA Accountable Care Compass Awards

The Massachusetts Hospital Association (MHA) created the Accountable Care Compass Awards to highlight important work on the part of hospitals and health systems around readmissions, Statewide Perfo

Fifteen Minutes a Day to Improve Patient Safety

One patient safety tool can be used in all care and service areas, improving safety and quality for every patient at little or no cost: the safety huddle.

Health Care Innovators Across the Country

State and regional hospital associations across the United States are recognizing hospitals and health systems for delivering high-quality and innovative care to patients.

Hospital and Faith Organizations Partner to Improve Community Health

Hospitals and faith organizations are collaborating to improve health care outcomes and organize community health care resources.

Hospital Volunteers Lead the Way

When outpatients at Summa Health in Akron, Ohio, were frequently getting lost on their way to appointments on the main hospital's campus, volunteers stepped in to help.

Accelerating Health Care Equity

April is National Minority Health Month.

Improving the Patient Experience Through the Hospital Physical Environment

Creating a quieter hospital environment can help the healing process and improve the patient experience. After St.

Right Care at Right Time with Virtual Care Center

Ten years ago, Mercy began telemedicine in its ICUs to improve patient outcomes. Today the St.

Fitted Shoe Program Reduces Heart Failure Readmissions

The Sunday Shoes Program is an innovative solution to help heart failure patients monitor weight gain.