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57815 Results Found


A Community-academic Partnership to Reduce Mammography Disparities for Latinas with Diabetes

Project Perlas is a community-based participatory research project addressing disparities in mammography screening among Latina patients in community health centers within the central valley of Cal

Beat the Blues: A Tailored Depression Intervention for African American Older Adults

African American older adults are at greater risk of depression due to the higher incidence of chronic health conditions, associated functional impairments and greater social and environmental stre

Hmong Cultural Survival Practices to Reduce Health Disparities

Today health disparities remain a constant challenge for immigrants, refugees and displaced populations.

Disparities in Access to Health Care Services: Perspectives from Refugee and Immigrant Patients

This case study explores the process of accessing health care from the perspective of the immigrant or refugee and provides insight into the barriers facing refugee and immigrant patients in access

Child Language Brokers: How Young and In What Situations?

Many immigrant parents rely on their children to help them communicate as ad hoc interpreters in a variety of settings and under many conditions.

Toolkit for Primary Care Providers Treating Newly Arrived Refugees

There is often a lack of coordination among the various health and social systems that provide initial orientation to newly arrived refugees.

Neighborhood Perceptions and Health-Related Outcomes among Latinos with Diabetes from a Rural Agricultural Community

Neighborhood and environment are important determinants of health in addition to individual characteristics and contributions of the health care system.

Improving Patient Safety for Patients with Limited English Proficiency

Approximately 24 million people--8.5 percent of the U.S. population--are defined as having Limited English Proficiency.

Implementing Cultural Competency Training Throughout an Entire Health System

In order to deliver the highest quality and most appropriate health care, Georgia Health Sciences University sought to improve the cultural competency of their workforce and student body.

Changing Systemic Attitudes: Impacting Health Systems

Transforming organizations, such as academic health centers or teaching hospitals, toward creating a culture of inclusion is challenging.