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57815 Results Found


Quality Mental Health Care

Telepsychiatry is playing a pivotal role in providing timely care to hospitalized mental health patients and to others beyond hospital walls.

Fine-tuning Discharge

Improving discharge can reap multiple benefits for patients and providers, including reducing readmissions.

ProMedica Approaches Hunger as a Health Issue

ProMedica's (NW Ohio and SE Michigan) mission is to improve the health and well-being of the people it serves.

Interventions Prevent Infections

Think of all the instruments, equipment and furniture in a hospital operating room. Any of these surfaces can harbor microorganisms that cause infection.

National Estimates of Central Line–Associated Bloodstream Infections in Critical Care Patients

There were between 462,000 and 636,000 CLABSIs in nonneonatal critical care patients in the United States during 1990–2010.

Religious Diversity in Health Care

Patients may be Christian, Jew, Muslim or of any other religious expression—at Lutheran Medical Center in Brooklyn, their spiritual needs will be met.

Innovations in Mental Health Care

Children diagnosed with intellectual and developmental disabilities and behavior disorders need quality care in a nurturing but structured and safe environment.

Rural Health Partnerships

Being accessible only by airplane or boat adds to the scenic character of Wrangell, Alaska (population 2,300), but it also creates challenges for health care delivery.

Heart of New Ulm Project at New Ulm Medical Center

New Ulm Medical Center

Wrangell Medical Center

Wrangell Medical Center