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57817 Results Found


IHI Improvement Capability Self-Assessment Tool

The IHI Improvement Capability Self‐Assessment Tool is designed to assist organizations in assessing their capability in six key areas that support improvement:

MATCH - Medication Reconciliation Toolkit

Northwestern Memorial Hospital developed a comprehensive toolkit focused on the prevalence and impact of adverse events, medication safety, medication reconciliation and the implementation of the e

Local Public Hospitals: Changing with the Times

For the last 15 years, public hospitals have pursued multiple strategies to help maintain financial viability without abandoning their mission to care for low-income people, according to findings

Improving Patient and Worker Safety - Opportunities for Synergy, Collaboration and Innovation

Health care professionals whose focus is on patient safety are very familiar with these alarming and frequently cited statistics from the Institute of Medicine: medical errors result in the death o

The Cost and Coverage Implications of the ACA Medicaid Expansion: National and State-by-State Analysis

A central goal of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is to significantly reduce the number of uninsured by providing a continuum of affordable coverage options through Medicaid and new

Enlightened Interdependence

Hospital trustees considering a merger or other affiliation should ask themselves if they are treating a short-term problem with a long-term solution.

Proposed framework for assessing the value of community-based prevention

For the last century, the major causes of disease and death among Americans have changed, shifting from predominantly communicable diseases spread by germs to chronic ailments.

High-Performance Health Care for Vulnerable Populations: A Policy Framework for Promoting Accountable Care in Medicaid

The Affordable Care Act and state Medicaid reform efforts present opportunities to reengineer health care payment and delivery systems to promote higher performance.

A Collaborative Accountable Care Model In Three Practices Showed Promising Early Results On Costs And Quality Of Care

Cigna's Collaborative Accountable Care initiative provides financial incentives to physician groups and integrated delivery systems to improve the quality and efficiency of care for patients in com