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57817 Results Found


Helping Hospitals Lower Readmission

This audio program features current news and information from the U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.

The Relationship of Self-Report of Quality to Practice Size and Health Information Technology

Background: Assessment of patient safety culture has recently expanded in inpatient settings, but the majority of medical encounters occurs in office settings, and less is known about the determina

"First, Do No Harm": Balancing Competing Priorities in Surgical Practice

Purpose: To explore surgeons' perceptions of the factors that influence their intraoperative decision making, and implications for professional self-regulation and patient safety.

Venous thromboembolism after trauma: A never event?

Objective: Rates of venous thromboembolism as high as 58 percent have been reported after trauma, but there is no widely accepted screening protocol.

Evolution of a hospitalist

Rob Olson, MD, an obstetrician-gynecologist in Bellingham, Wash., sold his solo practice when he heard about the possibility of providing obstetrician-hospitalist services to local hospitals as an

The Doctor-Patient Relationship is Evolving

A recent article from the Los Angeles Times looks at how the traditional doctor-patient relationship is evolving into one based on patient-centered care.

Forget Marcus Welby: Today's docs want a real life

An article on the SF Gate website profiles the new wave of medical school graduates, millennial and Gen X members who embrace technology, teamwork, and desire a life outside of work.


The American Organization of Nurse Executives is the national organization of nurses who design, facilitate and manage care.

Partnership for Quality

Lincoln Medical and Mental Health Center, a 347-bed public hospital in Bronx, N.Y., has established a true partnership with its community, which includes a diverse population and economic challenge