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57829 Results Found


October 29 Member Call


Enterprise Risk Management: The Key to Health Care Transformation

The transformation of health care is occurring at a rapid pace causing an increase in the need to manage emerging risks and uncertainty.

The Impact of Expanding Coverage on Health Care Access and Health Outcomes

With the implementation of the Affordable Care Act in 2010, decisions made at the state level play a significant role in the success of the law.

Community Health Needs Assessments: Getting More Value for Your Community and Your Hospital

In addition to identifying priority health needs and aligning partners and resources to address community needs, CHNAs are a vital tool for

TeamSTEPPS Implementation: Fostering Buy-in from the Front Lines to the C-suite

Teams of individuals who communicate effectively dramatically reduce the consequences of human errors.

ReThinking Population Health Strategies in Your Organization and in Your Community

There are opportunities around the country for dramatic innovation in the way health systems transform community well-being.

Ensuring Access and High-Quality Care for LGBT Patients

As hospitals expand their focus on providing equitable care, attention on those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) is critically important.

Improving Patient and Family Engagement in U.S. Hospitals

Patient and family engagement is associated with fewer adverse events, lower health care costs, decreased use of services, better patient self-management, and higher patie