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57830 Results Found


Hospital Community Benefits after the ACA: Present Posture, Future Challenges

This brief focuses on updating significant points concerning community health needs assessment and other aspects of community benefit discussed in the earlier briefs, as well as on identifying and

Return on Information: A Standard Model for Assessing Institutional Return on Electronic Health Records

Despite the compelling policy and business environments for EHR adoption and implementation, the Dr.

Hospital Community Benefits after the ACA: Addressing Social and Economic Factors that Shape Health

This brief begins by providing essential background information and describes the regulatory framework through which federal and state policymakers exercise oversight of hospital community benefits

Health IT Enabled Quality Improvement

The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology coordinates nationwide efforts that support the use of certified health IT and promote the adoption of national standards an

HEN 2.0 Final Report

Click here to view the HEN 2.0 Final Report.

AHA & AAMC Report on Bundling


Prepared to Care

Always There, Ready to Care: The 24/7 Role of America's Hospitals
State Association

State Issues Forum - State ACA Resources March 2009-May 2012

State ACA Resources March 2009-May 2012

NFPA fast-tracks a new standard on active-shooter response

Association has granted provisional status for the standard and will close the comment period Feb. 23

A bibliographic listing of new materials in the AHA Resource Center as of June 13, 2017.

Materials Added to the AHA Resource Center 21st Century Hospitals.  San Francisco:  New Century Healthcare Institute, 2002.  (WX 140 Z999 2002). (v.1 pt.