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57830 Results Found


Baby Safe Sleep and Women's Outpatient Center

Infant mortality remains a major concern in Milwaukee. The 'Baby Safe Sleep' program , which is funded entirely by the St.

Palliative Care Programs

In 2006, Ascension Health, the nation's largest Catholic and nonprofit health care system, chose seven pilots site with established palliative care programs to test improvements.

Respecting Choices

The Respecting Choices' advance care planning program, developed in La Crosse, Wisconsin, is a multi-faceted approach that depends on the re-design of the health care system in 4 domains.

Compassionate Care

North Shore University Hospital's palliative care unit emphasizes quality o

Advanced Illness Management (AIM)

AIM focuses care on people with advanced illness, which often involves more than one chronic diagnosis such as cancer, heart failure, or dementia.

Bold Goals with a Focus on Collaboration Inside and Out

A strong collaboration among senior leadership, governance and the medical staff at Meriter Hospital is focused on achieving excellence in clinical and operational performance.

Giving Staff and Patients an Active Role in Improving Care

UNC Hospitals is committed to providing a patient-centered care environment. A team of leaders is charged each year in setting and prioritizing goals for each pillar.

Reaching out to a Struggling Area in Both Traditional and Nontraditional Ways

Lincoln Medical and Mental Health Center strives to provide competent, culturally sensitive, high quality care.

Defining Quality and Empowering Everyone to Achieve it

University Hospitals Case Medical Center has undergone a decade-long cultural transformation to achieve and sustain the highest levels of quality and patient safety.

Going Big: How Kaiser Scales Up Their Best Ideas

Kaiser maintains a number of operating units to identify and test innovations. The Center for Total Health (Washington, D.C.) is an education facility. The Sydney R.