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57832 Results Found

Maintaining valuable infrastructure

Four steps for upgrading or replacing aging facility equipment

Senate committee holds hearing on reauthorizing PAHPA

The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee today held the first of two planned

House, Senate committees hold hearings on opioid epidemic

The House Ways and Means Oversight Subcommittee today held a hearing&nb

Azar nomination for HHS secretary advances to full Senate

The Senate Finance Committee voted 15-12 this afternoon to advance the president’s nomination of Alex Azar to serve as Health and Human Services secretary.

House Republicans release short-term CR that funds CHIP for 6 years

House Appropriations Chairman Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ) last night introduced a continuing resolution&nbs

FDA expects IV saline, amino acid supplies to increase in coming weeks

Intravenous saline and amino acid drug supplies should begin to increase in the next few weeks as manufacturing facilities in Puerto Rico ramp up production,

AHA Committee on Governance names 2018 leaders

David Hyman, DDS, a board director for Hartford (CT) HealthCare, will chair the AHA's 2018 Committee on Governance.

Obituary: Health care leader Ed Eckenhoff

Ed Eckenhoff, founder and former president and CEO of the Washington, DC-based MedStar National Rehabilitation Hospital (NRH), and a tireless advocate for the disabled, died yesterday after a battl

AHA psychiatric constituency section names 2018 leaders

Mary Lou Mastro, system CEO for Edward-Elmhurst Health in Naperville, IL, is 2018 council chair of the AHA’s Constituency Section for Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Services.