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57863 Results Found

Tools & Resources to Combat Human Trafficking

Catholic Health Initiatives

Intelligent system considerations

Keeping hospitals up and running during emergency situations

Media Insights

News, magazine articles and other media insights related to street and gang violence

Hospital State Leaders are 2018 Grassroots Champions

The American Hospital Association Grassroots Champion Award recognizes those hospital leaders who most effectively educate elected officials on how major issues affect the hospital’s vital role in the community.

Questions and answers from ASHE members

Members address storing hand sanitizer and strobes during fire drills

Negotiating service agreements with building owners

Health care's unique cleaning and maintenance needs require detailed arrangements

Joint Commission's Top 5 requirements identified most frequently as “not compliant”

Plus: CDC urges aggressive action to stop the spread of antibiotic-resistant germs

Design strategies for noise reduction

Interior designs to absorb hospital noise and improve the environment of care

Environmental upgrades contribute to staff efficiency and noise control

Interior designers respond to two of health care's most vexing challenges