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57870 Results Found


Lee Health - We Care of Lee County

What is it? We Care of Lee County is a non-profit human service and health care collaboration that helps uninsured residents gain access to specialty medical care.

Lee Health - Arts in Healthcare: Healing Ceilings

What is it? Arts in Healthcare at Lee Health links the expressive arts with the healing arts to provide relief for patients, families, visitors and staff.

Diane Weber


AHA, Hospital Leaders Announce 340B Good Stewardship Principles

Today, leaders from the American Hospital Association (AHA) and individual 340B hospitals announced new principles for ensuring good stewardship of the 340B program.

Statement on Passage of the Opioid Crisis Response Act of 2018

“America’s hospitals and health systems are on the front lines of the opioid crisis that is ravaging communities across the nation and costing nearly 150 American lives each day. We are encouraged that the Senate today passed legislation containing several provisions that will help hospitals continue to fight this epidemic.

New SAMHSA report highlights substance use, mental health trends

The number of U.S. residents using heroin for the first time fell by more than 50 percent in 2017, according to the latest National Survey on Drug Use and Health.

Hospitals in Florence’s path work to ensure care available to all in need

Hurricane Florence made landfall this morning along the North Carolina coast, where hospitals were anticipating additional traffic to emergency departments and potential admissions of injured and medically fragile individuals.

House hearing examines barriers to value-based care

The House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee yesterday held a hearing examining legal and regulatory barriers to innovation and value-based care in Medicare.

Maryland asks court to declare ACA constitutional

Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh yesterday filed a federal lawsuit seeking a declaratory judgment that the Affordable Care Act is constitutional and the federal government must stop taking actions to dismantle it.