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57870 Results Found

Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule Member-only Webinar

The AHA Nov. 20 at 2 p.m. ET will host a webinar for members on the final rule that updates physician fee schedule payments for calendar year 2019. The rule also finalizes several policies to implement year three of the Quality Payment Program created by the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015. See the AHA Special Bulletin for a summary of the rule.

Outpatient tower designed for one-stop-shop care

Jersey Shore University Medical Center's HOPE Tower builds culture of compassion through design

ASHE’s three-step, ligature-risk guidance

How to identify, observe and remove ligature risks in patient settings

Owning Disruption: A Consumer Driven Strategy at PSJH

Providence St. Joseph Health, Renton, WA November 9, 2018 3:00 p.m. ET

Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule Member-only Webinar

Thursday, November 20

Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule Member-only Webinar

Thursday, November 20

Addiction Recovery Medical Home Model

The Alliance for Recovery-Centered Addiction Health Services, of which the AHA is a member, recently announced an alternative payment model (APM) designed to provide patients a long-term, comprehensive and integrated pathway to addiction treatment and recovery.

Separating fact from fiction in ligature risk

ASHE advocacy expert breaks down how to design for continuous observation in various health care settings

Recommended methodologies for charrettes

Charrette exercises should include six key elements

2018 Hospital Security Survey

Data shows that hospitals are making important strides in safety as they respond to risks