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57870 Results Found

Improving the Quality and Cost of Diabetes Care

This webinar will examine how Florida Hospital System discovered that patients who experienced hypoglycemia had substantially higher mortality rates, lengths of stay and readmission rates than patients with normal glycemia, which added more than $45 million a year to the cost of care. This webinar will also showcase the series of strategic initiatives and technology investments that led Florida Hospital System to achieve marked improvements in outcomes.

Specialty Pharmacy Revenue Opportunity: Infusion

In this webinar by Comprehensive Pharmacy Services (CPS), which provides pharmacy services to nearly 800 U.S. hospitals and health systems, we identify the component parts of an overarching specialty pharmacy infusion strategy.

Building and Leading a Culture of Innovation

The rapid transformation of health care has made innovation nothing short of imperative for hospitals and health systems.

Enhancing Patient Engagement Using TeamSTEPPS Tools

Engaging patients as partners in care is an essential element for effective teamwork and communication.

2018 Team Training National Conference

The Team Training National Conference delivers techniques, tools and innovative ideas that help health care professionals to successfully implement TeamSTEPPS® and improve patient safety.

Human Trafficking: A Trauma-Informed Health Care Response

Human Trafficking: A Trauma-Informed Health Care Response discusses the importance of using a victim-centered and trauma-informed approach when caring for a victim of any type of interpersonal abuse, neglect, violence or exploitation. The webinar presents strategies and discusses the importance of this approach when caring for victims and survivors of human trafficking. Gibbs leads Dignity Health’s Human Trafficking Response Program. The webinar coincides with January being National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month.

Human Trafficking 101: Dispelling the Myths

This presentation is the first in a multi-part series in which Holly Austin Gibbs, Program Director of the Human Trafficking Response Program and Philip Brown, RN, BSN, Director of Emergency Services at Dignity Health Mercy Medical Center in Merced, CA share information on and their experiences with how to identify and assist trafficked persons with victim-centered, trauma-informed care and services.

Advancing Best Practices for Hospitals and Health Systems

Click through to explore case studies from hospitals across the country on a variety of health improvement topics. New case studies and topics are being added regularly.

Integrating TeamSTEPPS® into Simulation and Team Debriefing

TeamSTEPPS provides a functional model for the development of interprofessional collaboration, and simulation experiences offer learners the chance to apply the principles and strategies in a safe

Medical Devices and Cyber Issues

Medical devices are crucial to health care, and every hospital manages thousands of them. However, devices also carry potential security risks.