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House passes legislation to reauthorize preparedness programs

The House of Representatives Wednesday approved a legislative package (H.R. 7328) that includes the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act.

AHA, FAH: Policies to address surprise bills must protect patients

The AHA and Federation of American Hospitals “strongly believe that any public policy solution to resolve surprise bills must protect patients by prohibiting balance billing and by limiting patients’ cost-sharing to an in-network amount,” the organizations today told members of Congress.

CMS releases final rule on Medicare Shared Savings Program

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today issued a rule finalizing changes to the Medicare Shared Savings Program, including to the structure of payments made to accountable care organizations and other aspects of participation in the MSSP.

CMS approves Mich. Medicaid waiver with work requirements

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services today approved a Section 1115 waiver for Michigan that will require able-bodied adults aged 19 to 62 to work or participate in training or community service an average 80 hours per month to continue qualifying for Medicaid under the Healthy Michigan Plan beginning in 2020.

Survey: More adults underinsured since 2010

About 29 percent of adults with health insurance last year were underinsured, with high deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses relative to their income.

CMS: Clinicians can look up preliminary 2019 MIPS eligibility status

Clinicians can now look up their preliminary eligibility status for the Merit-based Incentive Payment System, one of two payment pathways for clinicians under the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015.

Compounder prohibited from making, distributing drugs

The U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania has entered a consent decree prohibiting Ranier’s Rx Laboratory Inc. from manufacturing or distributing compounded drugs until they comply with the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and Food and Drug Administration regulations.

FDA updates providers on lymphoma risk associated with breast implants

The Food and Drug Administration yesterday updated health care providers about a type of lymphoma

Experts discuss drug pricing, shortage concerns at AHA Hill briefing

The AHA, Federation of American Hospitals, and American Society of Health-System Pharmacists today convened a panel of experts on Capitol Hill to discuss how continued rising drug prices, as well as shortages for many critical medications, are disrupting patient care and forcing hospitals to delay infrastructure and staffing investments and identify alternative therapies.

Perspective: Ensuring patients know what they’ll pay for care

The last thing a patient should worry about in a health crisis is an unanticipated medical bill that unintentionally impacts their out-of-pocket costs … and undermines the trust and confidence that patients have in their caregivers.