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57890 Results Found

Perspective: Turning the Tide on the Prescription Drug Spending Crisis

Last week, I shared a few areas where we can advance health in America this year, even in a divided Congress. Number one on that list: reining in the skyrocketing costs of prescription drugs.

CMS approves Ariz. Medicaid waiver with work requirement

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today approved a Section 1115 waiver for Arizona that will require certain adults aged 19 to 49 to work or participate in training or community service an average 80 hours per month to continue qualifying for Medicaid.

CMS announces 2020 Part D model, changes to MA value-based model

The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation today announced a new payment model for Medicare

MedPAC approves 2020 payment recommendations

The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission this week recommended that Congress provide a 2 percent market-basket update for the hospital inpatient and outpatient prospective payment systems in 2020,

HHS proposal would change drug discount safe harbors 

The Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Inspector General yesterday proposed excluding from safe harbor protection under the Anti-Kickback Statute rebates paid by prescription drug makers to pharmacy benefit managers, Medicare Part D plans and Medicaid managed care organizations.

In court filing, AHA says HHS should make 340B hospitals 'whole' 

A federal court should order the Department of Health and Human Services to "make whole" 340B hospitals that received reimbursement reductions resulting from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' 2018 outpatient prospective payment system rule, AHA and other hospital plaintiffs said yesterday in a court-ordered brief. 

Clinic visit policy exceeds CMS’s authority, hospital groups tell court

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services exceeded its statutory authority when it reduced payments for hospital outpatient services provided in off-campus provider-based departments grandfathered under the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015, the AHA, Association of American Medical Colleges and several member hospitals today told a federal court, requesting summary judgment in their lawsuit challenging the policy.

Chairman’s File: Rural Hospitals = Community Cornerstones

We must act now – and together – to protect local access to high-quality, affordable care and empower rural hospitals to thrive as cornerstones of their communities for generations to come.

Hospitals add 18,800 jobs in January

Employment at the nation's hospitals rose by 0.36 percent in January to a seasonally adjusted 5,214,200 people, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday.

Study: Insulin payment strategy could reduce costs for insurers, patients

A new study adds to a growing body of literature suggesting that human insulins may result in similar clinical outcomes as higher cost insulin analogues for many patients with type 2 diabetes.