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57890 Results Found

CMS: New Medicare cards distributed; 58 percent of claims include new identifier

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services recently finished mailing new Medicare cards to beneficiaries, which replace the Social Security-based number on their previous cards with a new Medicare beneficiary identifier.

Report: Fully adopting transactions standards could save $9.8 billion a year

The U.S. health care system continues to make progress automating business transactions, but could save an additional $9.8 billion annually if providers and health plans fully adopted certain electronic transactions.

Supreme Court hears arguments in Medicare DSH case

The U.S. Supreme Court yesterday heard oral arguments in an appeal of a D.C. Circuit Court decision that the Department of Health and Human Services violated the Medicare Act when it changed Medicare’s reimbursement adjustment formula for disproportionate share hospitals without providing notice and opportunity to comment.

AHA comments on draft MedPAC payment recommendations for 2020

Commenting today on the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission’s draft recommendations for 2020, AHA said it supports the recommendation to provide current law market-basket updates for the hospital inpatient and outpatient prospective payment systems.

Kaiser Permanente combats housing insecurity

Also in this weekly roundup of health-related news: treatment options scarce as meth deaths flare; app makes donating blood easier

Cleveland nurse talks about nurses’ roles in combating human trafficking

Kathleen Hackett, R.N., a nurse at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital, shares how nurses can help identify victims of human trafficking and why the new ICD-10 codes are so important.

Study estimates 23 percent of outpatient antibiotic prescriptions inappropriate

An estimated 23 percent of outpatient antibiotic prescriptions filled by privately insured children and non-elderly adults in the United States in 2016 were inappropriate.

CDC: Rural patients more likely to receive opioid prescription

Patients in the most rural counties had an 87 percent greater chance of receiving an opioid prescription from their primary care provider between January 2014 and March 2017 than patients in large metropolitan areas.

FDA takes steps to spur OTC versions of naloxone

To encourage drug companies to seek approval for over-the-counter versions of naloxone, an emergency treatment for opioid overdose, the Food and Drug Administration today released model consumer-friendly labels for prospective OTC versions of the drug.

CMS releases proposed rules for health insurance marketplace plans for 2020

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today issued proposed rules for plans sold on the Health Insurance Marketplaces for the 2020 benefit year.