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57890 Results Found

UnitedHealth Makes Big Move to Help Seniors Navigate MA

As competition increases among payers to sign up and retain seniors in Medicare Advantage plans, UnitedHealth has added 800 nurses and customer-service advocates to its concierge-services team to help seniors with complex conditions navigate their care. The move greatly expands UnitedHealth’s Navigate4me program, which launched in 2017.

Key Trends for Next Year

As providers, payers and others survey the health care landscape for next year and what potential strategic adjustments to make, keep an eye on these issues identified by some of the field’s prominent advisory firms.

Market Insights: 10 Predictions for Hospitals and Systems in 2019

A newly released Market Insights report from the AHA Center for Health Innovation presents 10 predictions for next year that hospitals and health systems should consider as they prepare for another year of transformative change. Each prediction relates to one or more of the Center’s focus areas, including: affordability and value, innovation capacity, new payment and delivery models, performance improvement, population health and emerging issues.

Kenneth Kaufman: Why hospitals need scale

In this guest column, Kenneth Kaufman, chair of Kaufman Hall, discusses how hospitals need scale to keep pace in today’s environment, as well as continue to build on their deep community connections, expertise treating the full range of health conditions and history of serving our most vulnerable populations.

How hospitals are helping families access, improve and navigate maternal health

Adventist Health White Memorial is connecting pregnant women and mothers who live in poverty to the resources and care they need to best support their children; four Detroit hospitals and health systems created a task force to dramatically reduce the region’s infant mortality rate; and The Northern New England Perinatal Quality Improvement Network brings together a vast assortment of knowledge across disciplines to advance perinatal care.

Surgeon general urges action to prevent teen vaping

U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams today issued an advisory urging action to address an “epidemic” of electronic cigarette use by youth.

N.M. Medicaid waiver limits retroactive coverage, includes IMD provision

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Friday approved a Section 1115 waiver extending a New Mexico Medicaid demonstration for five years, and authorizing the state to receive federal funding to treat enrollees with opioid and other substance use disorders who are short-term residents in Institutions for Mental Disease.

Deadline for voluntary hospital readmissions measure extended to Jan. 4

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has extended to Jan. 4 the deadline for hospitals and their vendors to voluntarily submit data for the hybrid hospital-wide readmissions measure to the inpatient quality reporting program.

HHS proposes to rescind two administrative simplification standards

The Department of Health and Human Services today issued a proposed rule that would rescind the standard unique health plan identifier (HPID) and other entity identifier (OEID), as recommended by the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics.

Texas judge orders expedited briefing on ACA appeal

Judge Reed O’Connor today issued an order in response to a motion filed yesterday by 17 Democratic attorneys general asking him to confirm that the Affordable Care Act remains in effect nationwide and allow for a prompt appeal of his decision that the law is unconstitutional.