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Confronting Turbulence to Secure the Future

There is a mix of things leaders can do as they pilot an organization into an uncertain future.

APRN Report Shows Consumers Gaining Access to Care; Nurse Cuts Vacation Short to Help Helicopter Crash Victims

As other rescue teams worked to reach the remotely located survivors, nurse anesthetist Katie Kineally worked with other first responders to help the crash victims

Perspective: Going for the Gold

Every day, Olympic-sized talent, dedication and drive are on display at hospitals and health systems across America.

AHA Recommends Opioid Policy Priorities for Senate Finance Committee

Responding to a request from Senate Finance Committee leaders for policy recommendations to address the opioid epidemic, AHA urged the committee Friday to preserve health insurance coverage through the exchanges and Medicaid.

Proposed Rule Would Remove 3-Month Limit on Short-Term Health Plans

The departments of Health and Human Services, Labor, and the Treasury today issued a proposed rule that would allow consumers to buy short-term health plans of up to 364-days duration, eliminating the current less-than-three-months limit on short-term plans.

President Signs FY 2018 Omnibus Appropriations Legislation

President Trump today signed into law an omnibus appropriations bill funding federal discretionary programs through September.

Perspective: See You in Washington

The AHA’s 49th Annual Membership Meeting, May 6-9, comes at a critical time for the hospital and health care field. And its theme – Redefining the “H” – could not be more appropriate.

Chair File: Interventions Help Patients ‘Eat Healthy’

Eating healthful foods is important for good health, but individuals and households that are “food insecure” face challenges when it comes to getting enough food, consuming high-quality food or both.

AHA Submits Comments to Senate Price Transparency Initiative

The AHA Friday submitted comments to Sens. Bill Cassidy (R-LA), Michael Bennet (D-CO), Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Tom Carper (D-DE), Todd Young (R-IN) and Claire McCaskill (D-MO) as they develop legislation to improve price transparency in the health care market and lower costs.