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57890 Results Found

Trevor Kobe

David Stymiest


Joseph Bison


Election 2018: Key Takeaways for Health Care

p, ul { font-size: 16px; } li { margin-bottom: 20px; } The dust has begun to settle on the 2018 mid-term elections and a clearer picture is emerging of what the

Medicare for All bill introduced in House

Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., today introduced the Medicare for All Act, legislation that would establish a national health insurance program to provide universal coverage to U.S. residents.

Researchers test PPE methods

Recent study evaluates effectiveness of 10 different donning and doffing methods used in the health care field

Hospital groups urge court to stop 340B payment cut

The AHA joined by the Association of American Medical Colleges and America’s Essential Hospitals today will urge a federal court to prevent the Department of Health and Human Services from reducing

President signs stop-gap funding bill

President Trump today signed a continuing resolution funding the federal government at cu

AHA shares tax reform concerns with House, Senate conferees

The AHA today urged House and Senate conferees on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act to adopt the Senate position maintaining tax exemption for private activity bonds, including qualified 501(c)(3) hospital