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749 Results Found

Bridging Worlds: The Future Role of the Health Care Strategist Second Edition

Bridging Worlds: The Future Role of the Health Care Strategist Second Edition

Survey: Without a Top-Notch Consumer Experience, Expect Patient Flight

About one in five consumers switched providers in the past year and nearly 90% said they did so because the organization was hard to do business with, notes a recent Accenture report.

Blog explains ‘shortcomings’ of RAND 5.0 hospital pricing report

A blog expanding on AHA's initial response last week to the RAND Corporation's latest hospital pricing report notes, "The AHA has previously highlighted significant flaws with older versions of this report, and this latest iteration not only recycles but doubles down on those serious shortcomings — the health policy equivalent of Groundhog Day," write Aaron Wesolowski, AHA vice president of research strategy and policy communications, and John Allison, AHA senior associate director of health analytics.

RAND 5.0 – The Health Policy Equivalent of Groundhog Day

The RAND Corporation recently released the fifth iteration of its biannual hospital price report. The AHA highlights the significant flaws in this latest iteration.

Consumer Experience Reports Compendium

SHSMD has collected health care customer research and consumerism reports in an effort to offer consumerism related resources to the SHSMD membership.

AHA Statement on RAND 5.0 Hospital Pricing Study

In what is becoming an all too familiar pattern, the RAND Corporation’s latest hospital price report oversells and underwhelms. Their analysis — which despite much heralded data expansions — still represents less than 2% of overall hospital spending. This offers a skewed and incomplete picture of hospital spending.

AHA Member Advisory on Upcoming Release of Hospital Price Transparency Study

AHA expects the release of a new price transparency report next week. See AHA resources to prepare your organization’s response to the study findings.

The Disruptors Are Getting Disrupted — 5 Takeaways

Walmart’s announcement last week that it will close its 51 health centers in five states and exit virtual care services stunned many observers.

Rel 24.4 Landing

Professional Membership GroupsYour organization’s membership in the American Hospital Association connects you to the nation’s most powerful advocacy organization for hospitals.

Rel 24.4 Event

The hospital and health system field strongly supports protecting patients from surprise medical bills.