Leveraging Technology

Snapshot Trustee's partnership with ECRI Institute, an independent non-profit organization that uses evidence-based research to objectively assess medical procedures, devices, drugs and processes, continues with this discussion of genetic testing and preparing for its impact on hospitals and…
Organizational leadership’s commitment to ensuring the safe use of health information technology is one of several actions proposed in a Joint Commission Sentinel Event Alert recently released to reduce patient harm caused by HIT-related events. After analyzing 3,375 sentinel events that…
In a market flooded with new technologies and apps that aim to make physicians’ jobs easier and patients more engaged with their health care, there is still a need for human interaction, according to speakers at the recent Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society 2015 Annual Conference…
Snapshot Trustee's partnership with ECRI Institute continues with this overview of three breakthroughs in clinical technology that have the potential to improve, lengthen and save lives.
Nearly every day, the news brings word of another data breach at a major corporation. Hospitals and health systems are not immune to this danger, and more importantly, they are part of the United States’ critical infrastructure — that is, their systems and assets are considered so vital…
The typical hospital's electronic health record system represents a sizable sunk cost on which executive managers normally would want to get a long return on investment. But in a merger with another health system, writing off the IT might be the right thing for the overall merger goals.
Snapshot One of the first decisions that merging organizations must make is what to do with legacy information systems, and the answer isn’t always obvious. Standardizing around a current system, interfacing two disparate platforms or starting over with a third solution all have benefits and…
Telehealth increasingly is vital to our health care delivery system, enabling providers to connect with patients and consulting practitioners across vast distances. Hospitals are embracing telehealth technologies because they offer such benefits as virtual consultations with distant specialists,…
Snapshot By engaging patients with new services and technology, hospitals are heading off costly interventions and building loyalty. As Lisa Michaelis discusses various life coaching and wellness services offered by Mosaic Life Care, it might be easy to forget that she works for a hospital system.
Snapshot Complaints about poorly performing IT systems are valid. If a system slows down your physicians, hides crucial information or hinders data mining and interoperability, it shouldn’t be in your hospital. So you spent millions to billions of dollars on information technology systems…