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52274 Results Found

UB-04 Products

You can access the UB-04 billing information adopted by the NUBC by subscribing to the Official UB-04 Data Specifications Manual.

Building a Culture of Inquiry & Leadership: An International Collaboration

Collaborative partnerships have great potential to create long-lasting influential changes within the global healthcare environment.

Fact Sheet: Impact of Tariffs on Health Care Equipment

BackgroundHaving adequate and up-to-date medical supplies, devices and equipment

Research Participation Opportunities

Case Studies
 Contribute to building the evidence base for nursing leadership by participating in research studies and surveys.

Innovation and Inspiration to Propel Health Care Forward

One of the best things health care leaders can do while navigating a labyrinth of challenges is to talk with other leaders.

Energy to Care Awards Promotional Toolkit

Congrats! Your team has been awarded for its commitment to sustainability. Use this toolkit to let your organization know about your hard work.


National Uniform Billing Committee

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