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House Subcommittee Hearing Examines Rural Broadband and Telehealth

The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Communications and Technology today held a hearing examining challenges and solutions related to the issue of rural broadband.

Pai: Closing Digital Divide is FCC Top Priority

Testifying this afternoon at a House hearing on Federal Communications Commission oversight, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai called closing the digital divide his “top priority,” citing the agency’s recent actions to expand access to broadband and telehealth services in rural America.

FCC Seeks Comments on Proposal for Connected Care Pilot Program

The Federal Communications Commission today agreed to seek comments for 30 days on creating a new $100 million Connected Care Pilot Program to support telehealth for low-income Americans, especially those living in rural areas and veterans.

AHA comments on physician fee schedule proposed rule for CY 2019

The AHA appreciates the steps the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is taking to streamline the Quality Payment Program and reduce burden for clinicians, but “is very concerned about the collapse of payment rates for evaluation and management visit codes.”

Smartphone App Deliver Results for Mental Health Patients

It can be difficult to find creative ways to optimize the time of psychiatrists and other caregivers who treat mental health patients. Likewise, finding better ways to integrate behavioral health and primary care to improve patient access and outcomes can be challenging. Montefiore Health System in New York has made great progress in all of these areas by implementing the Collaborative Care Model and deploying a smartphone app for patients and caregivers.

More Patients Are Hearing Bedside Voices — Without a Caregiver Present

With ever-increasing frequency, virtual assistant devices are finding their way into patient care. A recent report in STAT explains ways hospitals are finding new uses for these devices manufactured by Amazon, Google, Apple, Microsoft and others in areas like intensive care units and surgical recovery rooms. Some are imagining a future in which voice avatars like Alexa become a virtual member of the medical team.

Senate Finance Committee Introduces 22 Bills to Address Opioid Crisis

The Senate Finance Committee yesterday introduced 22 bipartisan bills to address the opioid crisis in Medicare, Medicaid and human services programs.

Senate Hearing Examines Rural Health Care Challenges, Opportunities

The Senate Finance Committee today held a hearing on “Rural Health Care in America: Challenges and Opportunities.”

Breaking: FCC Commissioners Approve Funding Increase for Rural Telehealth Program

The Federal Communications Commission commissioners have voted unanimously to approve Chairman Ajit Pai’s order that will increase funding for the Rural Health Care Program by $171 million, as urged by the AHA.

FDA Approves Novel Glucose Monitoring System

The FDA yesterday approved the first continuous glucose monitoring system with a fully implantable sensor, designed to measure glucose levels in adults with diabetes for up to 90 days.