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872 Results Found

Fast Facts: U.S. Rural Hospitals Infographic

Is my hospital rural? Rural hospitals are those not located within a metropolitan area designated by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget and the Census Bureau. Community hospitals are nonfederal, acute care hospitals open to the general public. For alternate rural definitions, see

Chair File: Advancing Health and Quality Care in Rural Communities

For the 61 million people who live in rural America, their local hospital provides essential services and programs to advance their health and the health of their communities.

Protecting Access to Patient Care in Rural Communities Across America

For the 57 million Americans who live in rural areas, their hospital is the lifeblood of the community.

Fact Sheet: Rural Hospital Support Act (S.4009) & the Assistance for Rural Community Hospitals Act (H.R.8747)

Medicare pays most acute-care hospitals under the inpatient prospective payment system (IPPS). Some of these hospitals receive additional support from Medicare to help address potential financial challenges associated with being rural, geographically isolated and low volume.

Rural Advocacy Agenda Archives

Rural Advocacy Agenda Archive

Reaching and treating rural victims of sexual assault

Thanks to a federal grant, Vanderbilt University Medical Center is aiming to provide care for women at one of the darkest times in their lives.

AHA blog: Anti-hospital Group Misleads on Site-neutral Impact on Rural Access to Care

Billionaire-backed Arnold Ventures is once again pushing its anti-hospital agenda with a new one-page “report” making the Orwellian claim that “site-neutral payment reforms will protect rural patients,” writes Aaron Wesolowski, AHA vice president of research strategy and policy communications.

Anti-hospital Group Misleads on Site-neutral Impact on Rural Access to Care

Once again, the anti-hospital, billionaire-backed Arnold Ventures is pushing its anti-hospital agenda with a “report” that is so disingenuous and has so many limitations that it cannot be t

A North Carolina hospital is reading to their tiniest patients. Here’s why.

As part of NICU Awareness Month and National Literacy Month, each baby’s family in the FirstHealth NICU was gifted a book and information on the importance of reading.