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3570 Results Found


AHA House Statement on Enhancing Access to Care at Home in Rural and Underserved Communities

AHA statement before the House Committee on Ways and Means regarding “Enhancing Access to Care at Home in Rural and Underserved Communities."

Innovative Solutions for Delivering Mental and Behavioral Health Care Services

Kimberlydawn Wisdom, M.D., M.S., IFDHE Board Chairperson, Senior Vice President, Community Health & Equity and Chief Wellness & Diversity Officer,Henry Ford Health System, Detroit answers questions regarding innovative solutions for delivering mental and behavioral health care services

A Top-Down Approach to Suicide Prevention in the Health Care Workforce: Butler Hospital

Butler Hospital uses their psychiatric and behavioral health expertise to combat job-related stressors within their workforce.

A Small Rural Hospital Makes Big Changes for their Workforce: Knox Community Hospital

Knox Community Hospital expands their employee education programs and works to increase knowledge of and access to employee resources.

Refreshing a Peer-to-Peer Support Program Within a Large System: Indiana University Health

Indiana University Health re-formats their peer support program with the goal of improving access and promoting sustainability.

Reducing Stigma in the Hospital and System-Wide Application and Credentialing Process: HartfordHealth

Hartford Health combats behavioral health stigma by modifying potentially stigmatizing questions in their application and credentialling processes.

Improving Leaders’ Comfort and Skill in Supporting their Employees Mental Health: Bryan Health

Bryan Medical Center creates an actionable plan to increase the percentage of their workforce who have completed QPR training.

Implement a Peer Support Program on a Low Budget: MediSys

Two hospitals combine their resources to implement a widespread peer support program across the system.

Congress passes spending package with health care extenders 

The Senate voted 75-22 on March 8 to pass and send to the president for his signature a package of six appropriations bills funding certain federal agencies through fiscal year 2024, which contains health care provisions of interest to hospitals.

AHA shares recommendations with House Budget Committee task force

Responding to a request for stakeholder input, AHA shared (LINK) with the House Budget Committee Health Care Task Force its recommendations to make health care more affordable without compromising access to high quality care.