201 Results Found
Purchasing: Quick Practice Upgrades
Simple Practices to Create Equitable and Inclusive Sourcing and Purchasing Pipeline.
Purchasing: Simple Policy Fixes
Simple Policy Fixes for Inclusive sourcing and purchasing.
Purchasing: Readiness Checklist
Do a basic assessment of where your institution is at, and identify the steps you need to take to implement an inclusive, local sourcing initiative.
Purchasing — Inclusive, Local Sourcing: Purchasing for People and Place
This toolkit on local and diverse purchasing showcases examples of how hospitals and health systems are reevaluating their roles as their community’s largest purchasers, understanding that a thriving local economy is fundamental to a healthy community.
Workforce — Inclusive, Local Hiring: Building the Pipeline to a Health Community
Through local and inclusive hiring, health systems can invest in an ecosystem of success that lifts up local residents; helps create career pathways for low-income, minority, and hard-to-employ populations; and begins to transform neighborhoods.
The Health Equity Roadmap
The Health Equity Roadmap: A national initiative to improve health care outcomes, health equity, diversity and inclusion, and end health inequities.
How to Develop a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Initiative
This article outlines the four phases of developing a DEI initiative in the workplace which is further broken down into 9 steps. It emphasizes the need for the organization and its leaders to track their goals and progress made by the diverse groups. In addition, the recommendations the group makes to senior leadership must also be tracked to track progress.
Critical Strategies: Core Elements of Localizing Your Spend
Shifting to local sourcing of supplies must also include a general shift away from finding the products that are least expensive. Establishing goals and benchmarks for sourcing locally will aid in creating lasting partnerships while holding managers accountable for these goals.
Building Capacity: Growing Capacity of Existing Businesses as well as Helping to Incubate New Ones
Capacity building with a focus on the local business community can help address supply chain gaps, meet product needs, and improve the efficiency and resiliency of the supply chain. Such initiatives can bring in additional funding and create job opportunities for local communities which experience barriers to employment.
Inside-Up Strategies: Connecting Front-line Workers to Pathways for Career Advancement
This toolkit focuses on ways to ensure employees are receiving access to career advancement opportunities. This ensures local hires grow in their work and there is a pathway to greater experience and support that will benefit the company and hospital as a whole through employee investment.
Outside-In Strategies: Breaking Down Barriers to Employment
This resource looks at the benefits of hiring locally by creating a system of entry points for applicants that normally face barriers to this work.
Making Health Equity a Strategic Priority
This resource looks at how making health equity a strategic priority can aid health systems and organizations in achieving equity initiatives.
AHA Disparities Toolkit
The Health Research and Educational Trust Disparities Toolkit is a Web-based tool that provides hospitals, health systems, clinics, and health plans information and resources for systematically collecting race, ethnicity, and primary language data from patients.
Developing Mission, Vision and Values Statements
Simply put, strategic planning determines where an organization is going over the next year or more, how it's going to get there and how it'll know if it got there or not. The focus of a strategic plan is usually on the entire organization.
Evaluation of the National CLAS Standards
This toolkit distills the elements of the National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health and Health Care (National CLAS Standards) framework and is intended to help guide the efforts of HCOs to evaluate the implementation of the National CLAS Standards across four settings: ambulatory care, behavioral health, hospitals, and public health.
Addressing Societal Factors that Influence Health Presentation
Social determinants of health – where we live, work and play – have tremendous affect on one’s health, and they can affect anyone, regardless of age, race, ethnicity. Help your organization and community better understand how social determinants impact your patients and neighbors as well as what hospitals are doing to address this important aspect of health, and what resources AHA has to help you further tackle related challenges including food insecurity and lack of transportation.
A Practice-Based Framework for Working with Communities
Twelve principles to examine the power of the relationships between the health sector and communities.
Emerging Strategies to Ensure Access to Health Care Services: Addressing the Social Determinants of Health
The AHA Task Force on Ensuring Access in Vulnerable Communities examined ways in which the access to and delivery of care could be improved. During that process, the Task Force grappled with the reality that, in vulnerable communities, even if quality care is available, social determinants often prevent individuals from being able to access health care or achieve health goals.
Principles of Trustworthiness
Ten principles that community stakeholders endorse as the guiding compass on your journey to establishing trustworthiness.
Powering Change: Building Healthy, Equitable Communities Together
A concise yet resource-rich learning journey to support a successful, sustainable multi-sector collaborative.
Partnership Assessment Tool for Health
The tool provides an approachable format to understand progress toward benchmarks characteristic of effective partnerships, to identify areas for further development, and guide strategic conversation between partners.
Building Effective Health System-Community Partnerships: Lessons from the Field
Considerations for health care organizations and government entities seeking to build effective partnerships with the individuals and communities they serve to better address their health and social needs.
Board Diversity Survey to Advance Health Equity
Understanding a board’s aptitude and ability to advance health equity should be a key element of board strategy.
Applying an Equity Lens to Digital Health
Reliance on digital tools can exacerbate barriers to care among certain populations and may be less accessible to people with limited English proficiency. As these technologies become ubiquitous, now is the time to examine digital health from an equity lens to ensure that no community is left behind.
Digital Is the Next Frontier of Health Equity
Many of the digital solutions we relied on during the pandemic will remain, making digital health equity, including digital access and literacy, even more important. As hospitals and health systems design and implement digital solutions, it will be imperative to take proactive steps so all individuals have the opportunity to engage with these tools.