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18 Results Found

COVID-19 Pandemic: Trustees Share Heartfelt Messages with Rural Hospital Staff

From the moment the COVID-19 outbreak became reality, Coffey Health System (CHS) staff from every department hit the ground running. It wasn’t a question of if it would impact their small community of Burlington, Kansas, but when.

Making Community Health Improvement the Heart and Soul of Governance

Trustee Articles
Continually improving community health should be part of the DNA of a health care organization and its board.

What are Hospital and Health System Boards Facing in 2022?

I recently spoke with William (Bill) Menner about some of the challenges that hospital and health system boards are experiencing.

Leading a Coordinated Community Response to COVID-19

During and moving beyond the pandemic, hospital and health system boards and executive teams need to keep community stakeholders engaged to forge a better state of health in their communities.

Addressing Health Equity in the Hospital Board Room

COVID-19 has made it clear that addressing health equity is necessary to improve health and save lives, and hospital and health system trustees need to lead and collaborate in these efforts.

COVID-19 and Social Determinants of Health

Disparities in COVID-19 outcomes serve as an important reminder for trustees and senior leaders to reinforce the work in our communities to address underlying causes of health disparities.

Getting to the New Normal in Health Care

Health care boards can play a pivotal role to ensure their patients, employees and communities receive needed resources to heal, restore and rebuild for a better and healthier future.

Experts Analyze Health Care’s Near- and Long-Term Operations

Health care leaders and policy experts surveyed recently predict that COVID-19’s impact will be deep and long-lasting.

Beyond Bylaws: Four Health Care Governance Lessons from COVID-19

While continuing to respond to the COVID-19 crisis, hospital and health system boards can use this experience to strengthen leadership, engagement and trust.