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57890 Results Found


H-ISAC TLP White Physical Threat Bulletins Update Hurricane Idalia Reaches Category 4 Prior to Landfall

On August 30, 2023, Hurricane Idalia has reached Category 4 status in the Gulf of Mexico, prior to making landfall. It has sustained winds of 130 mph, and will be the first Category 4 to make landfall in its current trajectory of the Big Bend region at its current strength level.

H-ISAC TLP Green Ransomware Data Leak Sites Report - August 30, 2023

A daily ransomware tracker at TLP:GREEN for the purpose of increasing ransomware threat awareness.

Where Marketing Campaigns Go to Die (in 4 seconds): What Every Marketer Must Know About Their Customers’ First Contact

Health care marketers can create the most compelling, targeted campaigns but even the best efforts are squelched if the first encounter fails to impress and engage the consumer. In this session we will explore the key drivers that determine whether a first-time caller will become a patient or go running to the competition. Presenters Bob Kobek, President  Mobius Vendor Partners and Kristin Baird, CEO Baird Group will share the most recent data on consumer expectations and define which elements of the first encounter present the greatest opportunities. You’ll see data comparing consumer preferences pre-COVID, what has shifted in the post-COVID months, and the most crucial steps marketers can take to partner with operations to ensure your marketing campaigns aren’t shot down in seconds. 

Data to Dollars: How to Use Predictive Analytics to Accelerate Marketing ROI

Wouldn’t marketing be a lot easier if we just knew who was a high-value patient, ready for your services?

5 Secrets to Hospital Podcasting

This webinar will address the pressing challenges health care marketers face in effectively promoting their services in today's competitive landscape.

Allyship: Helping Others to Make a Greater Whole

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Don’t Wait - Why It’s the Perfect Time to Start Planning for 2024

Expand existing ones or build meaningful connections with health care decision-makers at target accounts.

Upcoming Article Expected to Examine Emergency Department Readiness to Treat Children

An article examining emergency department (ED) readiness to treat pediatric patients is expected to be published soon in a national news outlet.

A Whole of Nation Approach to Cybercrime: Secure by Design, Secure by Default

The federal government and private sector face common dangers from ever-escalating cyberattacks that continually test their readiness and capabilities.

Preventing self-harm using invisible alarm technology

Safehinge Primera’s Anti-barricade Door Set with Full-Door Ligature Alarm provides safe, fast and reliable access in all barricade situations