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546 Results Found

Health Care Trustees’ Role in Supporting the Transition to Value

Join Population Health leaders Emily Brower, Tori Bratcher, and Kevin Barnett to learn insights about Trinity’s journey toward value-based payment.

Building Community Health

Trustee Articles
In pursuit of its longstanding vision of a “society of healthy communities where all individuals reach their highest potential for health,” the American Hospital Association supports hospitals, health systems and related organizations in engaging in strategic initiatives that together create a path toward advancing health in America.

Financial Turnaround Needs Board Oversight

boards must become more involved in the oversight of the financial turnaround of their organizations than they did in past periods of lessor financial challenge. This may involve a board monitoring levels of detail that would have previously been inappropriate. But, when a hospital or system is facing an existential threat, it becomes a governance issue and it is appropriate and necessary for a board to engage more deeply than it did in the past.

Making Community Health Improvement the Heart and Soul of Governance

Trustee Articles
Continually improving community health should be part of the DNA of a health care organization and its board.

The Boards Role in Digital Transformation

Facilitating digital transformation demands that boards appreciate its urgency, move past the hype and fulfill strategy at their hospital and health system via digital transformation-related needs assessment, plan execution and evaluation of results and outcomes.

Roles & Responsibilities of the VP of Philanthropy

Trustee Articles
The VP of Philanthropy’s overarching responsibility is to promote philanthropic investment by donor partners in the health care organization in order to advance the mission. However, the role encompasses far more. Together with the foundation board and health care CEO, this individual works with internal and external constituencies to build a culture of philanthropy that goes beyond transactional fundraising to build lasting, fruitful relationships rooted in a shared vision.

Boards Addressing Social Needs

Health Equity Boards Addressing Social Needs

Exploring community health needs

The community health needs assessment has the potential to be a transformative driver for understanding and addressing the health needs of a hospital’s patient population — and meetin