Health Care Trustees’ Role in Supporting the Transition to Value
To help hospitals on their journey to value, AHA’s The Value Initiative has virtually convened leaders from diverse hospital types and locations to discuss opportunities and challenges in implementing value-based payment models. This session focuses on how health care trustees can catalyze and support the transition to value. The session features Trinity Health’s journey toward value-based payment. Population health leaders Emily Brower and Tori Bratcher will be joined by board member Kevin Barnett to share their insights on Trinity’s value journey.

Emily DuHamel Brower, M.B.A., serves as Senior Vice President of Clinical Integration and Physician Services for Trinity Health, one of the largest multi-institutional Catholic health care delivery systems in the nation. Emphasizing clinical integration and payment model transformation, Emily provides leadership and strategic direction within the evolving accountable healthcare environment.

Tori Bratcher serves as Director of Alternative Payment Models for Trinity Health. In this role, Tori has accountability for Trinity Health’s national alternative payment models including executive leadership for Trinity Integrated Care, one of the nation’s largest Medicare Shared Savings Program ACOs. She also has system accountability for several of Trinity Health’s Clinically Integration Networks.

Kevin Barnett DrPH, MCP, serves on the Board of Directors for the Trinity Health System and the Pathways Community Hub Institute, the Metrics Advisory Council for the Lown Institute Hospitals Index, the Advisory Board of Health Career Connection and the Expert Working Group for the UMN Rural Health Research Center. He serves as the Executive Director of CACHE, a national center supporting evidence-informed intersectoral collaboration between healthcare, related sectors and diverse community stakeholders.