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57884 Results Found

House passes CR funding government through April 28

The House of Representatives today voted 326-96 to approve a continuing resolution (H.R

Health care facilities receive Energy Star CHP system awards

Three health care facilities are recognized for combined heat and power system performance.

Senate passes 21st Century Cures Act

The Senate today voted 94-5 to approve the AHA-supported 21st Century Cures Act (

CMS removes prematurely posted Medicare Outpatient Observation Notice

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has removed from its website an updated Medicare Outpatient Observation Notice, which it said was posted prematurely yesterday.

Senate Finance leaders introduce chronic care legislation

Leaders of the Senate Finance Committee and its Chronic Care Working Group yesterday introduced bipartisan

House Republicans introduce CR funding government through April 28

House Appropriations Committee Chairman Hal Rogers (R-KY) yesterday introduced a continuing reso

Designers exercise flexibility and creativity in new era of health care

Innovations in health facility design strive to meet ever-changing patient outcome and satisfaction goals

It takes a health village — or district — to support physical fitness

Health districts integrate hospitals and medical facilities to promote healthful living

Preparing for the CHFM exam?

ASHE resources help facility managers to prepare for career-boosting opportunity