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545 Results Found

2018 Sample Board Composition Policy

Board Policies
Board and Committee Composition and Succession Planning...

Sample Board Chair Role Description

Board and Committee Charters
The following is intended to be an example that boards should adapt to meet their individual needs.

Ways for hospitals to stay on top of behavioral health

One in four Americans experiences a mental illness or substance use disorder each year, and the majority of those also have a comorbid physical health condition.

Trustees playing game with higher stakes

By now, every health care leader understands that the Affordable Care Act is catalyzing a complete transformation of the field, including reimbursement arrangements, business models and mechanism

News about boards, the VA, VTEs, and minority and behavioral health

Governance Great Boards spring newsletter available The spring issue of the American Hospital Association’s

Nurses in the Boardroom

Trustee Articles
A board member/trustee with a nursing background brings a unique voice to governance conversations focused on the Triple Aim. Nurses bring expertise in and valuable perspectives about community health, quality, safety, patient experience, workforce development, staff engagement and financial stewardship.

Achieving Stronger Physician Engagement

Trustee Articles
Steps CEOs and boards should take to understand and improve engagement.

9 ways to bolster vulnerable communities

Millions of Americans in both urban and rural communities are unable to access essential health care services.

Trustee Education

Health care is a complex and fast-moving enterprise. How can trustees stay abreast of the trends and factors impacting the field?

Partnerships for Behavioral Health

Hospitals and health systems are working hard to achieve the Triple Aim — improving the patient experience of care (both quality and satisfaction), improving the health of populations and r