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424 Results Found

Women in Governance: A Savvy Strategy for Advancing Community Health

Trustee Articles
In many ways, women are on the front line in health care — as consumers, employees and family caretakers. They possess firsthand knowledge of community health issues and needs. They can bring an informed perspective to health care and other community organizations about where to focus resources to have the greatest impact.

New Board Chair

Trustee Articles
Effective board leadership transitions can be facilitated by institutionalizing basic tools and processes. These include setting term limits for those in board leadership positions, periodic evaluations based on clear job descriptions and assessment of potential barriers to successful CEO relationships.

Evaluating the Board Chair

Trustee Articles
A board committed to continuous improvement realizes that the value of assessing its performance goes beyond meeting Joint Commission or other external requirements. It knows that regular self-evaluation gives it the information needed to understand and build on its strengths and identify and minimize its weaknesses.

Asking the Edgy Questions About the Future

Trustee Articles
The AHA’s report on Hospitals and Care Systems of the Future is not intended to be one of those think tank documents that’s quickly forgotten when the next hot idea comes along. The report, which the AHA will update periodically to reflect changing conditions, is designed to help leaders engage in active, thoughtful exchanges about their desired delivery system of the future.

Strategy and Stakeholder Relations: Risk or Reward?

Trustee Articles
Mapping the values and concerns of stakeholders against company strategy is one way to show where stakeholder concerns are aligned with current strategy and to create awareness of where risk or reward exist.

Challenges of Youth

Trustee Articles
Boards can play a key role in guiding, supporting young health system leaders

Co-creating strategy

Let’s face it, designing a strategy is challenging in the best of times. Add to this the uncertainty of the health reform landscape, and strategy design seems almost impossible.

Table of Contents

Features   8 Cover Story Patient Insights

Orientation and Evaluation Key to Successful Trusteeship

When trustees are appointed to the board of Manatee Memorial Hospital, they have a steep learning curve as they settle into this new role.