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545 Results Found

Taking Responsibility for Transitions at the Top

Succession planning is a high-stakes governance responsibility. The significant costs of protracted CEO searches and failed replacements are well-documented. Yet, data from the for-profit and nonprofit sectors continue to show that many boards aren’t focusing enough attention on succession planning or on getting it right.

Using Board Meeting Time Wisely

On-Demand Educational Webinars
Webinar: A board only exists when it is meeting. This means that the single most precious commodity that a board possesses is its time together. The best boards consciously strive to use their meeting time efficiently and effectively.

The Role of the Board in Medical Staff Credentialing

On-Demand Educational Webinars
This webinar from governance expert Jamie Orlikoff, explores the hospital board’s crucial responsibility for medical staff credentialing – one of the most difficult governance functions to perform effectively, and one of the most important board responsibilities for patient quality and safety. Become comfortable with the basics of credentialing and how to effectively oversee it to both protect patients and to assure fair, thorough and consistent treatment of physicians. Trustees will acquire a better understanding of the different but related processes involved in appointment and reappointment or physicians to the medical staff, and the delineation of clinical privileges.

Board Chair Performance Evaluation

On-Demand Educational Webinars
In this webinar governance expert Jamie Orlikoff reviews the rationale for board board chair evaluation, and outlines the step by step process for establishing an effective and productive board chair evaluation process.

Role of the Chief Governance Officer

Trustee Articles
Learn about the role of the Chief Governance Officer in hospital trustee boards and how effective governance is crucial in ensuring quality processes and patient safety.

Safety and the Road to COVID-19 Recovery: The Role of the Board

As hospitals and health systems across the country begin and continue the “recovery” process during the COVID-19 outbreak, the AHA is keeping you updated with the latest information and resources. An important area to address is the role of governing boards as hospitals and health systems resume delivering comprehensive health care services.

Team-Based Care Creates Value

Assembling a team of health care providers from diverse professional backgrounds has the power to improve value for hospitals and for patients particularly during COVID-19.


In-Person Events
View information on upcoming AHA conferences, include the AHA Rural Health Care Leadership Conference, the AHA Annual Membership Meeting, and the Accelerating Health Equity Conference.