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477 Results Found

Overseeing Health Equity in the Age of Emerging Risk

Incorporating health equity into strategy represents a new undertaking for some health care leaders — one that requires a shift in thinking and taking action in such core areas as culture, structure, functions and incentives.

Today's Provider-Sponsored Health Plans: What Boards Need to Know

Trustee Articles
With the recent rounds of health insurance company merger and acquisition activity, many hospital executives and their boards may be wondering if a provider-owned plan might make sense for them.

Revisiting Strategy Due to COVID-19

Working together, hospital and health system boards and executive teams should examine the pandemic’s implications for their organizations, to set strategic direction and better serve patients and communities.

Is Your Board of Trustees Micromanaging Your CEO?

How can a board and CEO work together to lead an organization well? Consider these 10 tips for helping boards stay in their lane while fulfilling governance obligations.

Succession Planning

Penny Wheeler, M.D., was barely into her tenure as CEO of Allina Health and fresh from a transition period earlier this year with retiring CEO Kenneth Paulus when the topic turned to who might repl

Pursuing Board Chair Excellence

Great governance rarely happens without a great board chair. Yet too often, insufficient attention is paid to ensuring that chairs are well suited for this critical role. Lessons about this important issue can be learned from the stories of four boards: two that did not handle board leadership preparation well, and two that are heading in the right direction.

Culture conflict and strategic partnerships

The not-for-profit hospital board and the for-profit clinic board had agreed to create a separate board for the new cancer center joint venture, but negotiations were bogged down.