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3234 Results Found

Article discusses how nurse leaders can promote well-being

Nurse well-being is critical to a health system’s success, since half of the workforce is comprised of nurses or nurse-related positions, according to April Prunty, PhD, RN, director of nursing professional development at Allina Health in Minneapolis.

AACN staffing standards offer guidance for CNOs

The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses recently released a set of standards to aid health systems in addressing appropriate nurse staffing in adult critical care settings.

Research shows how hospitals can retain nurses

Health care organizations must address the relationship dynamics between nurses and leadership, peers, patients and themselves for nurses to thrive and stay in the profession, a study found.

NCC highlights priorities to congressional leaders

In honor of National Nurses Week, AONL and the other 63 members of the Nursing Community Coalition urged congressional leaders to pass legislative priorities directly affecting nursing education, workforce and research.

Report Offers Ways to Make Nurse Managers More Effective

Hospital leaders should examine the responsibilities and number of front-line nurses assigned to nurse managers ─ commonly known as span of control ─ and how this affects their ability to deliver strong outcomes and maintain purposeful interactions, according to a report from AONL and Laudio, a data analysis platform.

Podcast: Hospital partnership with mental health center improves care

An American Hospital Association podcast describes how Providence, R.I-based Butler Hospital, a psychiatric facility, collaborated with The Providence Center, a community mental health center, to improve care for behavioral health patients.

Rural health system discusses strategies for hiring young workers

In an American Hospital Association podcast, Susan Wathen, vice president of human resources at Hannibal Regional Healthcare System, discusses how her rural facility finds and retains future health care employees.

IFDHE to host 2024 Health Equity Innovation Summit

The American Hospital Association’s Institute for Diversity and Health Equity will hold its 2024 Health Equity Innovation Summit on maternal and child health for C-suite executives on May 22 at Christian Hospital in St. Louis, Mo., from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. CT.