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327 Results Found

Healthcare providers do more to fight hunger, but efforts could be hindered by funding cuts

April 2018 - In Chicago, Cook County Health and Hospitals System has partnered since 2015 with Greater Chicago Food Depository to address food insecurity among its patients.

CT Hospitals Report on Community Benefits

Connecticut hospitals invested $1.7 billion in community benefit activities in 2016, according to a new report by the Connecticut Hospital Association.

Hospital and Health System Leaders Discuss the Impact of Coordinated Care and Connected Health

The challenge of aligning with government payment models often hampers progress, but alternate care systems have potential to ally incentives and coordinate care, which could dramatically reduce costs.

Case Study: Eskenazi Health Partners With Community to Address Food Insecurity

Eskenazi Health hopes to reduce its current 22 percent readmission rate to 8 percent through its partnership with MOW. This initiative reduces readmission rates and provides better care for seniors suffering from chronic illnesses.

AHA Rural Conference: Panels on 'Super Utilizers,' Telemedicine

Panelists share transitional care strategies to help those who frequent their emergency departments, as well tips about how telemedicine has empowered them.

Yale New Haven Hospital medical respite program puts homeless patients on path to better health

The program provides shelter, housing and related services for homeless residents.