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43 Results Found

AONL Board Election & Nominations

Help shape AONL's future by serving on the AONL Board of Directors. Questions? Contact

Supporting Hospital and Health System Boards as We Navigate a Changing Health Care Landscape

The many complexities of health care today continue to challenge hospital and health system governing boards to ensure that high-quality patient care is provided to the communities they serve.

Board chair coaching process

Discussion Questions & Templates
A good coach focuses on what the board chair wants to accomplish and designs a coaching process based on how the board chair experiences the role; on assessment of individual strengths and weaknesses; and on identifying and addressing blind spots. Each coaching process should be customized to meet the board chair’s individual needs and goals.

Board Chair Performance Evaluation

On-Demand Educational Webinars
In this webinar governance expert Jamie Orlikoff reviews the rationale for board board chair evaluation, and outlines the step by step process for establishing an effective and productive board chair evaluation process.

Building (and Maintaining) Your Best Board

On-Demand Educational Webinars
Looking for tips to create – and keep – the board of your dreams? Wondering if that dream can ever become a reality? Curious to know how you can possibly create the board of your dreams if your board members are appointed or placed on your board rather than elected by current directors?

Chair File: Leadership Dialogue — The Dynamic Work of Hospital and Health System Boards with Greg Bentz, Board Chair of Saint Luke’s Health System

On today’s episode, I talk with Greg Bentz, board chair of Saint Luke’s Health System, based in Kansas City, Mo., and chair of the AHA Committee on Governance.

CMS Issues QAPI Program Interpretive Guidance Specifying Boards’ Roles

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on March 9 released changes to its interpretive guidance for the Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement (QAPI) program.