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373 Results Found

Member Non-Fed

Site-neutral Advocacy Alliance

The Site-neutral Advocacy Alliance focuses on ensuring adequate payment for the higher level of care capability that hospitals provide in the outpatient setting and for post-acute care providers. It also monitors payment reduction proposals for other care sites.

CY 2024 OPPS/ASC Proposed Rule Members-only Webinar

Webinar: The CY 2024 Outpatient PPS/ASC Payment System Proposed Rule August 18, 2023.

CY 2019 OPPS/ASC Proposed Rule Member Webinar

The August 14, 2018, meeting of the CY 2019 OPPS/ASC Proposed Rule Member Webinar.

AHA Site-neutral Advocacy Alliance Bulletin -March 22, 2024

AHA responds to deeply flawed editorial.

AHA blog: Washington Post editorial on site-neutral deeply flawed and poorly-timed

A March 14 editorial in the Washington Post calling for Congress to enact so-called site-neutral policies is “deeply flawed and incredibly out of touch with the realities hospitals and health systems are experiencing right now,” AHA President and CEO Rick Pollack wrote March 15 in a blog post.

Setting the Record Straight: Washington Post Editorial on Site-neutral Deeply Flawed and Poorly-timed

A March 14 editorial in the Washington Post calling for Congress to enact so-call

ACTION NEEDED: March Government Funding Deadlines with Billions in Cuts to Hospital Care Possible

Congress will return home for a short recess over the President’s Day holiday on Feb. 19. During this period, AHA members are urged to connect with their lawmakers to request hospitals are protected in new bills to fund the government beyond two March deadlines.

AHA blog: Anti-hospital Group Misleads on Site-neutral Impact on Rural Access to Care

Billionaire-backed Arnold Ventures is once again pushing its anti-hospital agenda with a new one-page “report” making the Orwellian claim that “site-neutral payment reforms will protect rural patients,” writes Aaron Wesolowski, AHA vice president of research strategy and policy communications.

CMS corrects 2024 outpatient payment rate for hyperbaric oxygen therapy

As urged by the AHA, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Feb. 6 corrected an error in the outpatient prospective payment system final rule for calendar year 2024 that reduced by over 40% reimbursement for hyperbaric oxygen therapy, a critical treatment option in advanced wound care.

Anti-hospital Group Misleads on Site-neutral Impact on Rural Access to Care

Once again, the anti-hospital, billionaire-backed Arnold Ventures is pushing its anti-hospital agenda with a “report” that is so disingenuous and has so many limitations that it cannot be t