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Moody's revises nonprofit health care outlook to negative

Moody’s Investors Service yesterday revised its outlook for t

Medicaid UPL Lawsuit

Medicaid UPL Lawsuit

Preserving Medicaid is a Priority

When Congress returns next week, Republican leaders intend on advancing legislation repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act – legislation which would currently include the possible redesign

Make Your Voice Heard

Two weeks ago, it looked like Congressional attempts to repeal and replace parts of the Affordable Care Act might be over – at least for now – after the bill House Republicans crafted, the American

Fight to Protect Coverage Continues

America’s hospitals and health systems are deeply disappointed in the House passage of the American Health Care Act. This bill will jeopardize health coverage for millions of Americans.

Urge Your Senators to Protect Coverage

As you know, America’s hospitals and health systems are deeply disappointed in the House passage of the American Health Care Act because we believe it will jeopardize health coverage for millions o

Call to Action

From the onset of this debate, America’s hospitals and health systems have been guided by a set of key principles that would protect coverage for Americans.

Heading Into the Ninth

Last month, we urged the Senate to go back to the drawing board after its original proposal included dramatic cuts to the Medicaid program and the loss of health care coverage for tens of millions

Must-do Health Care Priorities for Congress

Today, Washington’s focus – and the media headlines – have begun to shift to matters like tax reform, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, an infrastructure package, and relie

What's Next in the Health Care Debate?

Once again, the Senate attempted to pass a proposal to repeal and replace significant parts of the Affordable Care Act. Once again, it met defeat – and we are grateful.