Delivery System Transformation, Governance Effectiveness, Operational Excellence, Strategic Planning
Get a Strategic Edge at This Years Rural Leadership Conference
As a kid, I remember that the best roller coasters were the ones that were both terrifying and exhilarating. You knew it was really awesome when you couldn’t tell the difference between screams of joy or fright. It was fun to look at the pictures the amusement park would take at the same spot in the ride and see all the vastly different looks people had on their faces.
Quality & Patient Safety, Quality & Patient Safety
Bottom Line in Patient Safety and Quality
Improving patient safety is a goal at every hospital and health system. In fact, hospital and system trustees have a fiduciary responsibility to ensure high-quality, safe patient care. First, the goals of improving quality and eliminating patient harm must be embedded into the strategic plan and planning process. Second, board-level quality committees or clinical quality committees must be engaged in the process. Most highly effective boards devote a significant part of each board meeting discussing quality and safety.