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86 Results Found

Transforming Care Delivery to Focus on Patient Outcomes: Why Boards Matter

Trustee Articles
In the publication, authors Joshi and Horak state that hospital trustees support hospitals’ fundamental missions to improve the health of the community. In a climate of growing concerns about the quality of health care and the amount we pay for it, trustees are called upon to oversee the transformation of the culture of the organization.

Getting to the New Normal in Health Care

Health care boards can play a pivotal role to ensure their patients, employees and communities receive needed resources to heal, restore and rebuild for a better and healthier future.

Recruiting Millennials to the Hospital Board

Trustee Articles
Millennials use the health care system in a unique way. Trustees must be attentive to their views and recruit them to the board for its long-term sustainability.

Effective CEO Performance Evaluation

Following key strategies for effective CEO performance appraisals are essential to the health care board’s role.

Using Technology to Enhance Board Education

Trustee Articles
Ongoing board education that includes newer modalities and technologies will increase board engagement and improve governance.

Board Oversight of Culture for High-Performing Hospitals

Trustee Articles
An external review of workplace operations produces a Leadership Letter with observations and recommendations for continuous improvement, followed by open discussion among the board, CEO and top management.