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159 Results Found

Clarifying Expectations: A First Step in Developing Truly Effective Relationships Between CEOs and Trustees

Trustee Articles
This is the second in a series of collaborative leadership tools for CEOs. The first one presented a new model of collaborative leadership.This one focuses on clarifying trustees’ and CEOs’ expectations of each other. It includes a simple exercise for helping trustees and CEOs refine the way they work together.

Conflict Manager: The Board Chair's Unsung Role

Trustee Articles
Board chairs are often chosen based on peer respect, professional knowledge, demonstrated commitment such as chairing a board committee, and willingness to put in the time required. A somewhat surprising finding to emerge from the AHA’s 2011 Governance Survey is that conflict management is an important yet seldom discussed role of the board chair.

Most Commonly Asked Questions About Board Committees

Trustee Articles
Here are some of the questions that we as governance consultants hear most frequently about board committees.

Evolving Accountability of Nonprofit Health System Boards

Trustee Articles
This monograph addresses the multiple accountabilities of nonprofit health system boards for the cost, quality, and safety of the services their facilities provide, the manner in which these accountabilities are being fulfilled, and issues we believe warrant attention by system leadership in order to retain and build public confidence, respect, and trust.

Nurses in the Boardroom

Trustee Articles
A board member/trustee with a nursing background brings a unique voice to governance conversations focused on the Triple Aim. Nurses bring expertise in and valuable perspectives about community health, quality, safety, patient experience, workforce development, staff engagement and financial stewardship.

Achieving Stronger Physician Engagement

Trustee Articles
Steps CEOs and boards should take to understand and improve engagement.

Asset Stewardship and the Board's 3 for Understanding and Improving Operational Efficiency

Trustee Articles
Asset stewardship has long been a key board responsibility. As fiduciaries of a health care organization’s assets, governing boards are required to act in the best interest of the organization, ensuring that resources are used in a reasonable, appropriate and legally accountable way to meet community health care needs.

Health Care 2.0 and Beyond

Trustee Articles
A three-stage framework can help boards to identify information technology priorities

Recruiting the Right Mix

Trustee Articles
Given the sweeping changes in health care, forward-thinking hospitals, systems and medical centers are carefully evaluating board member succession and recruitment. The challenging environment in which these organizations operate requires strong, knowledgeable boards whose members have deep insights into the field and a fundamental understanding of business, management practices and how to compete in a highly competitive market.

Physician's Impact on Patient Satisfaction

Trustee Articles
Patient satisfaction scores are important metrics; they draw attention to the subjective experience of patients who received care from a hospital.