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7 Results Found

Innovation Resources for Boards

Innovation Resources for Boards

Disrupting the Health System from Within

The core mission of health systems is at risk of disintermediation and commoditization by health plans, private equity, retail and big tech

Intermountain Healthcare Embraces Transformation

Trustee Articles
Utah-based Intermountain Healthcare continues to transform itself to best adapt to the demands of the changing health care environment. As part of the current transformation, the health system has organized its leadership to optimize the interdependencies of safety, quality, patient experience and workforce engagement. Under this construct, the system streamlines decision making, minimizes waste and redundancy, and positions the organization to deliver exceptional patient-centered care.

Factors Affecting Health Care Affordability

Trustee Articles

Catching up to Consumer Expectations for Access

Trustee Articles
Organizations must rethink their approach to build customer engagement and loyalty.

Surviving Disruption in Health Care

Trustee Articles
Health care providers must draw lessons from the core capabilities of successful companies in the internet economy.