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11 Results Found

Improving Quality Through Physician Engagement

Trustee Articles
From accountable care organizations to clinical integration, forging a close bond between physicians and hospitals for improved quality results is now an imperative.

Redefining the Physician’s Role as Care Team Leader

Trustee Articles
With training and support, physicians can become effective team leaders.

Data's Motivating Power

Trustee Articles
Analytics can be a tool for constructively engaging physicians in health systems’ transition to value

Governance Principles for Physician Organizations

Trustee Articles
Healthcare executive support can influence the value these organizations provide.

Achieving Stronger Physician Engagement

Trustee Articles
Steps CEOs and boards should take to understand and improve engagement.

Physician's Impact on Patient Satisfaction

Trustee Articles
Patient satisfaction scores are important metrics; they draw attention to the subjective experience of patients who received care from a hospital.

Physician-Hospital Alignment: Meeting on What Matters

Trustee Articles
The evolving U.S. health care system will demand more standardization, reduced variation in outcomes and lower costs, necessitating new care delivery methods. A variety of models may emerge but physicians are the one constant to any emerging care paradigm, making hospital physician alignment imperative.

Understanding Your Physician Employment Strategy

Trustee Articles
Oversight of an employed physician network is a new and evolving role for your board. Focus on five key issues, and adopt three best practices, to help the network succeed.