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414 Results Found

Your Next CEO

Competition, finance reform and the ever-changing demands of the marketplace have put increased pressure on hospital boards to contemplate an important question: What kind of CEO will be most suc

5 Necessary Competencies for CEOs

When your board hired your organization’s CEO, the competencies the CEO possessed likely were a major factor in the selection process.

Nurse as CEO: A unique fit

On her first day of work in September at Florida’s Memorial Hospital Miramar, Grisel Fernandez-Bravo, R.N., was given a hospital ID badge displaying her new title: chief executive officer

Essential Skills for Todays CEO

The board is responsible for setting the hospital or health system’s mission and vision, and for engaging leaders and staff in working toward that vision.

CEO succession as a strategic imperative

A health care organization’s strategic planning involves the board in a number of important activities. But how many boards have considered CEO succession planning to be one of them?

The Role of the CEO in Health Care Philanthropy

Trustee Articles
Foundation board members can strengthen their philanthropy efforts by understanding the growing role of the CEO in order to develop a productive and proactive working relationship.

What it Takes to Be the New CEO

Snapshot With hospitals moving beyond their four walls to establish ambulatory care facilities, take on financial risk and pr

The key to a successful relationship with your CEO

During the course of my 50-year health care management career, it has been my experience that the most successful CEOs maintain an effective working relationship with their board.