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545 Results Found

Hospitals and food insecurity

As health care moves toward a population health paradigm that focuses on keeping people healthy, hospitals and health systems are recognizing the significance of the social determinants of health.

Spurring hospital innovation

The 14 “intrapreneurs” gathered in the basement of Providence Park stadium, home of the Portland (Ore.) Timbers Major League Soccer team, one rainy morning this spring.

Lancet study shows why preventing antibiotic resistance is urgent

A 30 percent reduction in the effectiveness of antibiotics could increase infections and associated deaths for certain U.S.

Survey findings about patient engagement and patient experience

“The Association Between Patient and Family Engagement Practices and Patient Experience” is a slide presentation that covers the findings of a 2013–2014 survey conducted by the Health Research &amp

JAMA Study: Costs and Inpatient Stays Decline for Medicare Beneficiaries

Mortality and hospitalization rates and inpatient spending for Medicare patients 65 and older declined between 1999 and 2013.

Diabetes rates decline

The number of new cases of diabetes diagnosed in the United States declined significantly from 2009 to 2014 after steadily rising for 25 years, according to data released in December by the

White House Creates Plan to Fight Resistant Bacteria

The White House recently issued a five-year plan to fight antibiotic- resistant bacteria.

Hospitals Make Progress in Reducing Infections

Hospitals are making progress in reducing health care-associated infections, but additional work is still needed, according to a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.