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545 Results Found

Deliberate Decision-making and the Effective Board

Trustee Articles
High performing boards learn how to make decisions at the right time using the right processes.

Board Oversight of Culture for High-Performing Hospitals

Trustee Articles
An external review of workplace operations produces a Leadership Letter with observations and recommendations for continuous improvement, followed by open discussion among the board, CEO and top management.

Priorities for a Hospital Board Chair

It is hard to imagine an industry more turbulent than health care or a position more demanding than hospital board chair.

Provider-sponsored health plans: Are you ready to take on (more) risk?

Trustee talking points Provider-sponsored health plans offer a good way for hospitals and health systems to take on risk as they move toward value-base care.

Recruiting Millennials to the Hospital Board

Trustee Articles
Millennials use the health care system in a unique way. Trustees must be attentive to their views and recruit them to the board for its long-term sustainability.

2020 Actions for the Board Compensation Committee

Trustee Articles
Boards should assess the impact of change on their organization’s executive compensation program and committee practices.

Nurses as hospitalists

Trustee talking points A growing number of small and rural hospitals, unable to recruit or afford physician hospitalists, are staffing their hospital medicine programs

Top 10 Trends for 2019

Trustee Articles
Consumerism, personalized medicine, digital technology and artificial intelligence are fundamentally changing the way health care is purchased, delivered and organized.

The Rise of the New Health Companies

Snapshot A handful of high-performing hospital systems are coming together to form unique new entities that offer better, more convenient care at lower cost.

Meet Nancy Agee, the AHAs chair for 2018

Carilion Clinic President and CEO Nancy Howell Agee is nothing if not a visionary leader.