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545 Results Found

The Importance of Physician Leadership

Physician engagement is paramount as hospitals and health systems navigate the transition from volume to value. And yet, it won't be enough to ensure organizational success.

One thing leads to another

By now, you, as a hospital board member, are familiar with three terms that are driving much of the transformation underway in our field: value-based care, population health management and the co

Building an Age-friendly Health Care System

Trustee Articles
A growing movement of health care providers is systematically spreading best practices in the care of older adults.

Is Your Hospital Ready for Population Health?

Before a hospital or system launches a population health management initiative, it is essential to have clarity around the goals, required resources and success metrics.

Leadership Summit to offer new opportunities

Health care is constantly changing.

Clinic provides care with LGBT focus

The LGBT community in New Jersey recently welcomed the opening of a new Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital clinic that offers specialized primary care services for the underserved population.<

Creating actionable intelligence

Hospitals and health systems have created a wealth of data by adopting electronic health record systems that can integrate information from a variety of sources.

Pump Up Strategic Board Discussion

The strategic challenges for hospital systems have never been steeper, yet boards have not made any significant headway in boosting the amount of meeting time they devote to crucial discussion and

Successful discharge planning starts early

As the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services sharpens the sticks and sweetens the carrots to encourage health care providers to reduce avoidable readmissions, better discharge planning has b

Trustee reappointment

When hospital or health system boards think about key practices that support effective governance, considerations such as board recruitment and selection, orientation and continuing education, and