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539 Results Found

Outpatient Care Inspires New Building Design

Snapshot As inpatient utilization declines, outdated rural hospitals can meet their community’s changing needs by building or converting to ambulatory-driven life enhanceme

Power of Education

Trustee Articles
The rules of engagement for board members have changed dramatically. Historically, the trustee position was honorary; today, trustees are expected to interact more with management and the community and know more about operations.They also have added accountability for legal and regulatory matters. As this role grows in complexity, hospitals are challenged to prepare and educate board members efficiently to be effective fiduciaries without overwhelming them.

The First Trustees: History Lessons

“I do not remember any of my political manoeuvres, the success of which gave me at the time more pleasure ...”

Hospitals work to intervene, break the cycle of violence

He was a healthy 15-year-old boy living in St. Louis, wasn’t in a gang, got good grades and stayed out of trouble.

Redesigning care delivery to meet the triple aim

Hospital leaders are working to redesign care delivery systems, using payment models that center on individual and community needs.

The Foundation Board's Role in Strategic Planning

Trustee Articles
Setting strategic direction is a basic governance role of the foundation board. The board is responsible for determining the mission, vision and values that are the bedrock of the organization’s strategic framework. The board represents stakeholder interests, so it serves a valuable role in sharing community perspectives and expectations to guide planning. The board must ensure the organization’s goals position it to fulfill the organizational mission and to advance its vision.

Financial Challenges Claim Top Spot on CEOs List of Concerns

Community hospital chief executive officers ranked financial challenges first on a list of their top 10 concerns in 2014, according to an annual survey by the American College of Healthcare Executi

Care close to home

Despite their small physical size, microhospitals are fast becoming a big thing in health care design.

A changing landscape

For all its challenges and complexities, health care transformation also presents tremendous opportunities for hospitals — and their boards.

Exploring the benefits of telehealth

Telehealth is changing health care delivery.